today was quite the day, not much activity, but a lot of emotion.
My 95 year old grandmother passed away this morning. It had been known that she was sick, but it was still emotional. After finding out, I hopped into my car and drove to see my dad and our family. Luckily, my gorgeous, vibrant little sister was at the door to greet me. Kids really can brighten up any rain storm. So now, I sit and ponder the thought of life.

When someone's life is taken, in that very moment, you get a shock into reality. You figure out, all at one second, that life can not be taken for granted. You have to reach out and grab every opportunity to get what you want and get where you wanna go. I can't sit around and wait for my life to happen, I have to grab the bull by the horns and milk those horns for all their worth. I can't get upset or angry at petty things, I have to live and learn. I can't pick and choose who to love, I have to love everyone as if it's their last moment, our last breath together.
anyways, I'm rambling.
I hope whichever higher power is looking down on me, can vouge for me and say she is in a better place.
sometimes i close my eyes for a moment, buy some time of silence and isolation internalizing such thoughts/occurrences. Unconsciously knowing as time flows me by, it slowly shows me to learn to accept such inevitable harsh realities in life. Realization of things that you still have, things that make you smile and happy, things that fill the emptiness in your heart, And looking for the brighter side of life helps me to find peace and comfort inside....